
So it's been awhile since I've posted here. Actually, I probably wouldn't be posting now, except my friend Bhavika has suggested that I update my blog with my latest pie recipes and tests. I thought she was right, putting this here now might make a good record in my pie making skills.

There is something about the process of making pie, other than putting on weight, that I like. Especially the moment when I flour up the cutting board and roll out the dough. There's something homey and very pleasurable about pickup up some flour and flouring the cutting board before working with the pie dough. 

Thus, first on the list is  the Apple Raspberry Pie. This is from the 'Lost Art of Pie' book:

ok, guess you have to turn your head sideways until I fix this. :)
Although the crust was a bit overbrowned, this pie was a hit. My first ever lattice top pie.
