Back at home - 7/25

Hi Folks,

Here is the latest. Now that Mom is back at home, we have had a couple of nurses stop by that were recommended by the VA and which is paid for by medicare.

Yesterday we got a visit from a physical therapist that will come by weekly to evaluate her state and strength, and we are for this first week getting dailiy visits by a home heath care nurse to check on Mom's bandages. We will probably also be getting someone to come by and help with baths and the like.

Tomorrow we hope to start the process of enrolling her into a radiation program. There's a place nearby us called the Lynn Cancer Institute, based in Boca Raton. This is the same place the nurse took her mom for thyroid cancer, and it sounds like a good place. Apparently the doctors work together as an interdisplineary team, fostering good communication about her care, and they seem to have good facilities. Mom's nurse described it as "one stop shopping".

We are also going to send her records tomorrow up to Tallahassee so we can send them to a place that does a special type of deep proton radiation, and see if they will take her. Since the cancer has metasized, it is possible they will not take her for that type of radiation. Also our dear family friend, Dr. Sue, is going to consult with us on her care, and run records past an oncologist friend of hers. So hopefully we will have a second and possibly third opinion on her care.

It's really a matter now of how well the radiation goes, and if she will be strong enough, and willing, to take chemotherapy.
We're trying to take things one day at a time, and stay on top of things here.

Btw, I should mention, that if anyone wants to speack to Mom (561-265-2866) now is probably the time, as I doubt if her level of energy is going to improve during or after the radiation. I will try to keep people posted.


Anonymous said…
Anybody call for Mom Bob?
Anonymous said…
I asked Mom if anyone had called her today and she said that she didn't think any of the extended family knows and she said "it's just as well as I'd rather they not know because I don't want to talk about my illness it's uncomfortable for me to talk about".
So if you call Mom talk about anything but that.
Anonymous said…
What's one stop shopping? It sounds like it's multidisciplinary care-taking care of many aspects of the disease as it progresses.
It be better then to have to go to different institutes and they'd also get to know her better to help her.