Mom and Dad going to Mayo Clinic tomorrow

Hi Folks, I apologize for the long time it has taken me to make another post. Getting back to work, and to my life here in LA, has been a distraction from this issue, though I make a point of trying to call Mom and Dad almost every day. But I have let this slide.

Mom got some lovely flowers from Bert and mentioned them to me. She really appreciated them.

Unfortunately, as a side effect of the radiation, Mom has had a lot of pain in her digestive track. Apparently the radiation has inflamed some of her intestine. As such, some days have been very painful for her. Dad has had to give her morphine, which he was able to obtain through hospice.

Turns out that when Mom is on morphine, she can't really hold a conversation, which has been really rather upsetting to both Michelle and I. However, of course, when she has a good day without pain, she comes back more to herself. However, the radiation treatments ended on Thursday, and so we are hoping she will recover and be more pain free as the days go on.

Tomorrow they head up to Jacksonville where they have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic the morning of the 25th. Dad is going to verify with them if there is any possible treatment that Mom would be able to tolerate well. He also has a few alternate treatments he wants to discuss with them. Hopefully they will be able to find something that will be helpful. Right now the chemo is not looking like a very good option. No matter how it comes out, it seemed the Mayo Clinic was our best bet in Florida, so worth a shot. Better to get a different opinion outside of the VA system, just to be sure.

I'll try to keep this a bit more up to date. Sorry for the long delay. Your thoughtfulness, such as Bert's flowers, is greatly appreciated. Also, I wanted to mention that yesterday was Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary.
